Gildone - Immigration to Canada
Gildone was a place of emigrants, in a hundred years has given to 'emigration
migliaie people. The area went from an average population that bordered
the three thousand inhabitants to the present about 850. The first emigrants
left already in 1880, settled first in Brooklyn, then in Cleveland (Ohio),
where currently reside 200 natives. Many returned to the country, investing
their savings in homes and in the fields, hoping thus to improve the standard
of living. All those emigrants Gildone followed the emigration of the
time, like many Italians, departed from the Mediterranean ports crammed
with ships, among them hundreds of Gildone, headed to the 'America. It
was an exodus that touched all the Italian regions. One can distinguish
emigration Gildonese into two main periods: that of the great emigration
in the late 1800s and 30s where he was preponderant emigration veso America.
That emigration to Canada and Australia, which began since the fifties.
The fine of 40 years had as destinations in South America, especially
Brazil, Argentina and Venezuela, countries with large tracts of land and
untapped need for labor in Europe: Belgium, Switzerland, Germany and France,
had mode and different forms, depending on the country of destination.
The great migration has had as a point of origin of the widespread poverty
of the time and the great desire to improve the economic conditions of
the family. whose departures meant well for the country a strong lightening
"demographic pressure. In the United States, Canada, Australia, Argentina
and Brazil was characterized mainly as an emigration long-term, often
devoid of concrete projects to return to Italy, while in Europe was considered
by many at the time of departure, as temporary emigration, often only
a few months in which to work and earn to build, then, a better future
in Italy. However, this phenomenon did not occur and many of the migrants
are remained in the countries of emigration. the periods affected by the
migratory movement ranging from 1880 to 1915, almost ran out during Fascism,
but it rose again soon after the end of World War II. Large proportions
of immigrants Gildone headed in Venezuela and Australia but the majority
left to Canada and almost all settled in the city of Montréal,
as shown in the list at right, the names, ans dates of the first arrived
in Monteal.
Over time some of these names are transformed and others are added. Here
are some in the handwriting of 1658: Porzia Cesarotto widow of Angeloni,
Criscento di Criscento, Antonio d'Avirro, Domenico Ricciardo, Giuseppe
di Micco, Carulo Barile, Maruccia Antonaccio, Francesca widow of di Gio
di Luca, Iacono di Maio, Mariano Bruno, Iacopo Palmiero, Angelo d'Agata,
Noè Pavento, Angela Rossi, Domenico Carlone, Angela Carlozzo, Paulo
Cefaratti, Bernardino Carriero, Francesco Lamenta, Angela di Santo, Ioanne
d'Agata alias Ritone, Carlo di Cocco, Giambattista Perrotta, Ippolita
Chiovitto, Nardo Mancini, Don Cosmo Rossi, Rosa della Petrella, Donato
d'Attellis married Domenica Ianitri and brother Marco married
Laura Lamenta.
Casati secular and ancient surnames are now at home overseas, where they
are distinguished with honor as well the identity of children and grandchildren
born in Canada ... that soil far stranger and therefore today is for them
their beloved native land, and Fatherland!
Name and Arrival Date in
(list compiled by Pasquale
Luciano / Rocco Petrella)
Leone, Giorgio was Domenico Jan-1950
Di Lillo, Giuseppe was Pasquale May-1950
Totarella, Sabino was Nicola Mar-1950
Farinacci, Sabino was Antonio Mar-1950
Luciano, Francesco was Antonio May-1950
Luciano, Michele was Antonio 20-May-1950
Germano, Giuseppe was Francesco Jul-1950
Di Lillo, Giovanni was Raffaele 24-Jul-1950
Mandato, Antonio was Pasquale 27-Oct-1950
Virgilio, Nicola was Ferdinando Nov-1950
Massimo, Francesco was Francesco 1950
Petitti, Leonardina [Colicchio] 1950
Petitti, Nicolino 1950
D’Amico, Francesco was Antonio Oct-1951
D’Elia, Giovanni 1951
Del Balso, Angelo was Giuseppe Dec-1951
Del Balso, Giuseppe was Michele 2-Nov-1951
Del Balso, Giuseppe was Michele Apr-1951
Del Balso, Nicola was Michele 2-Nov-1951
Di Lillo, Angelo 21-Aug-1951
Di Lillo, Antonio was Raffaele Nov-1951
Di Lillo, Carmela [Cianciullo] Oct-1951
Di Lillo, Giovanni di Nicola 21-Aug-1951
Di Lillo, Giuseppe was Nicola 1951
Di Lillo, Pasquale was Giuseppe [Marcella]Oct-1951
Di Santo, Giuseppe Iangelandrea 1951
Farinacci, Antonio was Giuseppe Sep-1951
Farinacci, Augusto Dec-1951
Currently there are about 3500
Gildone (of origin) in Montreal