NEWS FEUDAL. - A bachelor's in 1079 attests
to the existence of Gildo. Such a diploma refers to a donation day Rao
Falco Graone "de genre francorum" consanguineous of Nubulone
ladies of the church of S. Maria Gildone Decorated (included in the estate
of S. Andrea) founded by Nubolone; and we note that the donation was made
"to petitionem et preces antedicti Domains Nubulonis kin" on,
etc. "(192).
Other feudal Lombard was Ragone, whose name is passed down from a bachelor's
donation to the monastery of St. Mary Decorated attached to the church
of the same name.
The Norman period and the Swabian period not offer traces about Gildone;
not so the time Angevin, as in "Liber Donationum Regi Caroli"
shows what owner for Gildone and Ielsi Bertrand of Belmonte.
Hereinafter Gildone was assigned with the title of count Sanfromondo
family, of which we give the detailed information in the historical mon.
of 13oiano in volume III. We do not know how long the family will remain
in the domain: Apparently, however, no doubt that Francis Sanfromondo
it was the last owner in 1334.
The Sanfromondo, indeed, in that year sold the fief to Oddone Seeriano,
the noble family regnicola ascribed to the See of Porto (known to be confused
with the family of Sanseverino) concerning weapon a field party: red in
the upper third with three lilies of France of gold, the lower two thirds
compartito of waves of gold and blue
Of this family are known to us only two holders for Gildone: Odo and
his son Richard, who had a wife Mary Pepin offspring of the Count of Nocera.
During durazzista - if in the time of Charles III or that of Giovanna
II do not know - Gildone belonged to the family Gambatesa comitale of
Campobasso, who was Mrs. insino to 1465.Nel period durazzista - if in
the time of Charles III or that of Giovanna II do not know - Gildone belonged
to the family Gambatesa comitale of Campobasso, who was Mrs. insino 1465.
In 1465, donated to the State Gildone, remained lying there until 1467,
and in that year - along with Ielsi - was granted a fief to Al-berico
Carafa Duke of Ariano, whose lineage provide news am-riche and the heraldic
mon. Forli in the third volume. Alberico Carafa (descending buyer same
name) in 1586 sold the feud to Ottavio Mastrogiudice with the right of
Ottavio Mastrogiudice, Marquis of Santo mango, held in domain Gildone
little time, as the redeemed in 1590. Alberico Alberico Carafa had a successor
Brother Diomede: Who being Treasurer of the Kingdom and hugely indebted
to the Court and R. defaulting, had the seizure of the feuds.
Exposed Gildone auction, in 1604, was awarded to Stefano Salvatore, whose
family are known four holders pel feud:
a) Salvatore, buyer.
b) Francesco firstborn, living in 1650, according attests d'Urso (193).
c) Ottavio, son of Francis, in life in 1700.
d) Francis, unicogenito of Octavius, who died in 1727 without heirs.
Gildone was donated to the State, and date soon feud to Malizia Carafa,
which deal with some spread in mon. Campolieto. (The death of the last
of Stephen gave rise to a legal dispute filed against the Treasury by
the Countess of Preston woman Beatrice Capece, the heir of Stephen pei
burghensatici likewise confiscated by the State. The Capece died in 1758,
and his reasons were inherited by Marquis Antonio Guindazzi. The case
went so far to end up before the Feudal Commission).
How long he remained in Gildone renewed feudal Carafa? We can not give
precise dates: we know, however, from the bag (194), which in 1795 was
Gildone ground directing.
With diploma in January 1798, Ferdinand IV gave Gildone feud to the Prince
of Belmonte Don Antonio Pignatelli, the illustrious family of which we
extend the historical and noble in mon. Colletorto in volume IV: and this
in certificate of sovereign complacency pel peace treaty of October 10,
1796 signed by the same in Paris.
The diplomatic mission of the Prince of Belmonte had lasted five months,
from May to October (195).
The Candida Gonzaga (196) - with no indication of the time - annoera
Gildone between the lands of the feudal family of Raho, which we treat
in mon. Caccavone in volume III. Let the news as a curiosity.
CHURCH NEWS. - Gildone belongs to the diocese of Be-nevento. It consists
of a single parish under the title of S. Sabino, bishop and martyr, who
is also the patron of the City, and whose feast day is celebrated annually
on August 1.
The churches are: S. Sabino. - It is the parish of ancient building.
In 1690, on the occasion of the restorations that were made, it was consecrated
by Cardinal Orsini August 15th: and was prescribed by the illustrious
cardinal, who then ascended the papal throne, that the happy event to
be celebrated every year on the memorial day September 3 . It consists
of a single ship, the surface of which does not exceed 300 square meters.
Includes five altars, the oldest of which is dated 1656.
S. Rocco. - Chapel that it seems founded at the beginning of the century
if the age of the building could be inferred from the date of the two
altars that are ornament: July 7, 1709. In 1784, by virtue of R. Rescript
29 December, it became the seat the two local brotherhoods, dedicated
to SS. Sacramento to SS. Rosario.
St. Anthony Abbot. - It is uncertain whether it was built in 1703, or
sol-time restored. What one knows is that in that year - June 18 - year
old consecrated by Cardinal Orsini. The only altar that is adorned sor-mounted
perpendicular to a triptych, having in the lunette the crucified Redeemer
watched by Marie: in the middle of the Madonna and Child adored by St.
Anthony and St. Anthony of Padua: down, Dinner. In the face divisional
between the bezel and the center console, is written: / For me oculos
ad quam designo directs mentem / MDXXXXII /. The Campensa, we have to
this news, believes the center console work of a painter Secondary School
umbra of four, and that the date has been put at the transport of it in
the Church, or to remember some restoration which was subject.
S. Martino. - Built in 1738 (along with a small hermitage which is attached)
by Martin Hope this rich owner of Gildo. It is at a distance of more than
half a kilometer from the town.
S. Maria in Quadrano. - This chapel is located in the former estate of
Quadrano, and hence it is named. In 1722 was significantly re-staurata
and expanded devotion to Matteo and Antonio del Vasto, gildo-nesi; and
recently remodeled and decorated mercy of the offering of the faithful.
It is far from the town about 4 miles.
St. Mary of Constantinople. - Built in 1729, in the district ru-tics
Tornavento, at a distance of about 300 meters from the town.
S. Maria delle Grazie. - It is just over 200 meters from the town, and
was consecrated in 1711 by Cardinal Orsini.
The series of archpriests: Bonaccio Simeone Toro (1597-98): Chiovitto
Julius (1598-1607): Mallards Andrea (1607-49): Chiovitto Lucio (1649-79):
Antonio Cicchetti (1680-99): Campensa Giuseppe ( 1700-47): Campensa Domenico
(1747-63): Campensa Joseph (1764-90): Virgilio Francesco Maria (1790-1817):
Del Vasto Domenicantonio (1818-43): Farinaccio Joseph (1843-66): Pasquale
Del Balso (1868-71): Virgil Jerome (1874-81): Colicchio Angelantonio (1882-92):
Dominic Leone (1892-19 ..
NEWS ADMINISTRATIVE. - Gildone was attributable to the captains, and
perhaps before 1806 had never belonged to the countryside of Moli-if.
In 1799 he was included in the Department of the Sangro and the Canton
of Riccia. Its annexation to Molise depended RD December 25, 1806, when
the Government of Ielsi (where Gildone ranged) was detached from the District
of Foggia and assigned to one of Campobasso. From that year Gildone remained
in the district of Go-ernment (then Environment) and now the District
of Ielsi. From 1892, to July 31 RD which abolished the District court
of Ielsi, Gildone is part of the district court of Campobasso.
The Town Hall is in the municipal property in the former premises which
once formed the Hospital: which had been enlarged and restored by Cardinal
Orsini in 1724. The local municipality for such an annual fee corresponds
to 100 L. Local Congregation of Charity.
The series of Mayors:
Farinaccio Giacomo (1809): Nicola Del Vasto (1810-14): Ricciardi Pietrangelo
(1815-16): Luciano Michelangelo (1816): France-scantonio Serafini (1817-19):
Luciano Michelangelo (1820-21): Of Chiccio Bar -tolomeo (1822-24): Michele
Hope (1824-31): Hope Gaetano (1831-32): Perrotti Antonio Maria (1838-36):
Mendozzi Joseph (1836-40): Del Vasto Nicodemus (1840-12): Giuseppe D'Elia
Francesco Del Balzo (1849-52): Michael Del Vasto (1852-56): Farinaccio
Domenico (1856-57): Nicola Di Lillo (1858-60): Campensa Aurelio (1860-68):
Perrotti Giovannicola (1869-83) : D'Elia Ferdinand (1883-85): De Chicchio
John (1885-86): Vitale Michele (1887-88): Hope Francis (1890-95): Del
Vasto Domenicantonio (1895-97): Domenico Germano (1897- 99): Campensa
Domenicangelo (1900-07): Bonomo Gaspare (1908- ..
ELECTORAL COLLEGE. - Gildone is part of the College of Riccia since 1861,
and this was always of relevance except in the short period from 1882
to 1891, when it was included in the Board of Campobasso 1.
AGENCY OF TAXES. - Campobasso.
PUBLIC EDUCATION. - The City has three elementary grades three male and
female, straight four teachers of both sexes. The total annual expenditure
amounts to L. 5,100.
MAIL AND TELEGRAPH. - The post office was implanted in 1884. The office
of the telegraph in 1890.
* Case of agricultural loans. - Not yet in operation; but features of
a capital L. 3,000 from the liquidation of Mount Frumentario, and deposited
on the Postal Savings Fund. In 1902 the pension entity ascended to L.
56.06 burdened by L. 2.50 contribution to the Province.
* Congregation of charity. - It has a yield of mixed about L. 900 between
money and basic grains, which corresponds to the Province on the contribution
of L. 39.98.
PUBLIC LIGHTING. - A petroleum, since 1870. They are facen-do practices
for lighting by electricity.
CEMETERY. - It was built in the decade from 1851 to 1860, a smaller distance
of a mile and highest resort in the town. It was later expanded in 1882
to a design by surveyor. Giuseppe Massimo at a cost of about L. 3,000.
Contains only one chapel owned by the family of Elijah, the project complies
prepared by Ing. D. Campensa.
* Quadrano. ---- It is located in the southern agro-Gildone if, in which
stands the chapel of St. Mary, which is now officially known. St.
Mary of the Assumption, and in the first centuries bore the name of St.
Mary Decorated, founded by Benedictine monks in the eleventh century.
The former fief was reinstated in part to the City with sentence June
5, 1810 the Commission Feudal. The City Council, so far, has given the
lands of Quadrano rented; but may have to decide if other the emphyteusis
similar to those of S. Andrea. * St. Andrew. - An old feud wooded,
located south-west of the agro municipal, in the border with the agri
of Cercemaggiore (prov. Of Benevento) and Mirabello. It in 1593, by application
of 31 August, was sold by Alberico to Oliviero Carafa, whereby citizens
rights Teal, graze and stay overnight.
Once stood in it a house, in whose vicinity had been built in the fourteenth
century a Convent of the Augustinians, devotion to Geronimo Carafa lord
holds Gildone. This convent was demolished by the earthquake of 1805,
and currently we can still see the ruins that attest to its conspicuity
waned. • The Feudal Commission, with the aforementioned judgment,
decided to reinstate part of St. Andrew in favor of the Municipality,
recognizing on the one hand no less the right of the heirs of the feudal
CHRONICLE LOCAL. * 1909. - Plant public clock, provided by the company
Curci of Naples, to replace the old machine reminiscent of the last century.
* 1911 - August 4 is inaugurated the aqueduct built by the Ing. Cesare
Palomba, under the direction of Ing. Filippo Vitale: aqueduct which leads
up area water source Cisternola giving three liters per second. It has
imported an expenditure of more than Lire 30,000, despite the fact that
the author of the project - the fellow ing. Domenicangelo Campensa - had
waived the debt payment.
Domenicantonio Del Vasto. - Born in Gildone April 12,
1836 by Nicodemus and Ursula's Salty, died March 19, 1900. He studied
in the Archdiocesan Seminary of Benevento, was ordained a priest; but
in 1861, abandoned the ecclesiastical habit, he settled in Naples. In
1877 he was elected Provincial Councillor of the District of Santa Croce
del Sannio (prov. Of Benevento), and was also Member of Provincial Parliament
for some time. In the general election ballot lists for the XV Legislature
- held October 29, 1882 - resulted elected Member of Parliament in the
College of Campobasso I; but took no active part in parliamentary politics,
and in subsequent Comizi for the XVI Legislature remained succombente
with 4304 votes. He retired to his native Gildone in 1888, to cure the
ailing health, first occupied the offices of Mediator and then Mayor,
leaving good remembrance of himself for diligence, fairness, and the highest