In 1965, the Rizzo hall on Sauve and Papineau was the
first party all together, which went well for the membership of the life
Pictured on the left: The first members of the Association to the first
party from left all'impieti: Domenico Perrotti, Nicola Nardolillo, Jeremiah
Nardolillo, Joseph Luciano, Giuseppe Di Lillo, Peter D'Elia, Michele Farinacci,
Andrea Ricciardi, Pasquale Speranza, Perrotti Antonio, Francesco Grassi,
Angelo Del Balso with grandson Nicholas, Nicholas Lillo, seated from left:
Michael Grassi, Giuseppe Di Tirro, John D'Elia, Giuseppe Di Lillo, Giovanni
Di Lillo, Antonio Petrella, Mario Palumbo, Michael Del Balso Antonio Di
Lillo. |