The Napoleonic Edict of 1811 required all municipalities to form a cemetery
outside the town so that I could become airborne miasma without harm alia
population. In our town the cemetery was designed by Ing. Mennella in
1818 to be built on the site of the forks Hague, but this project also
considered I'eccessivo cost, 1300 ducats around, there was never a real
intention to build it. Before delia available Napoleonic corpses were
buried divided by gender, and class partner Ie in churches, large pits
that periodically had to be excised Gildone had many in the church of
San Sabino a very old, disused, called the old cemetery, located in the
area called the pit of Pilate. Another burial was located on the edge
of the square and a large stone cross with motifs in bas-relief cemetery
indicated the date of opening: 1608. This burial was packed to the point
that the gases generated from the corpses raised the lid and ammorbandola
wafted in the air. Burials delia church of San Sabino were not in the
best condition, also the factory was low and narrow, to make the air for
less harmful Sacristan accendeve will cause the fire to smoke purifier.
Today they did not keep records. Surely they were filled with sfabbricatura
during the construction of the new church in the year 1923. To inIlziare
the final settlement of the dead must come to 1859, the year in which
the good will of the chaplain of St. Martin, Sabino Hope, and the families
of Lillo and Germano who offered the land, allowed the construction of
the cemetery in the current site. The first formal act of the municipality
of Gildone about the formation of the cemetery took place June 28, 1832,
signed by the mayor Gaetano Speranza. The City could not possibly afford
to other loans because the debtor already 2,000 ducats to which he took
another 350 delia previous Administration. You think to a farm of brothers
Don Antonio and Don Michelangelo Perrotti already equipped with a chapel,
Santa Maria of Constantinople, now St. Nicholas. The two brothers, contacted,
declared themselves willing to give based on the condition that they were
compensated with equivalent amounts of land At the urging of the Council,
the mayor Gaetano Speranza, April 15, 1832, in Port Decurionate project
commuting to make deliberation. The Decurionate agrees and ordered an
audit of funds and factories through Francis of Balso Michele, expert
argimensore, and Feliciano Jamartino Arkhangelsk, expert mason, that the
16th of April 1832 went on to determine the funds' I appreciate. AIl'lntendente
came two petitions signed by one of Don Giovanni Lepore, Don Matteo Jafanti,
Don Domenico di Gregorio d'Elia, Dominic Farinacci Antonio, Nicola Farinacci,
Nicola Vitale of Philip, Don Michelangelo Chicchio; Nicola d'Amico, James
and Feliciano Farinacci; the second appeal signed by Michael Tartaglia,
Tartaglia result then anonymous because, at the time, had already been
dead for two years. Surely that name lurked behind I'altro notable and
owner of the country always active in judicial disputes of the time: Dr.
Don Michael Ziccardi physical. Ie uncleared accusations made against them
by these wealthy "citizens," on donn'Antonio and Don Michelangelo
receded from the contract by persons concerned who did not intend, we
could treat more commute because for months they had disposed of diversarnente
lori funds. Mr. Giuseppe Gigli, on behalf of the Council of stewardship,
as an alternative to the bottom Perrotti, the proposed site of the Plain
of Cerrete, a stretch of territory from the surface of approximately 200
to 450 palms that 'meets on the left when you come from Campobasso to
the point where it turns Gildone along mule. Towards this proposal the
Decurionate spoke negatively because the cemetery would have come on the
road most frequented of tenimento.
On June 3, 1838, urged by the intendant, Mayor Joseph Mendozzi meets the
Decurionate and health committee proposing as a site where form the Cemetery.
The parish priest, Father Domenicantonio del Vasto, speaking at the meeting
in the quality of the component members Sanitary Commission, verbally
and also on behalf of all the Reverend Clergy of Gildo, offers free part
of the twenty tomole of land that the Chapel of Santa Maria delle Grazie
had in bequest from Stanislaus Hope in the flat next to the Chapel Ramunno
the Decurionate took note of this offer and, given the huge benefits that
derive from the coffers of the common resolution to accept the proposal
of the archpriest of Vasto giving, in the same session, I 'assignment
to decurion Francesco del Balso, expert factories, to prepare the construction
project. While everything seemed to end for the better, Angelantonia Pope,
widow of Stanislaus Hope and usufructuary of the land that the deceased
husband had donated alia Chapel of Santa Maria delle Grazie, the Intendant
occurs esposendo the bases is not suitable please conform to the Royal
Decree mentioned: is Aqueous, and subjected to the winds that blow toward
the northern country, is at a short distance from the town. He concluded
by saying that exposed "Ia Municipality Gildone is surrounded by
many funds and special comunaIl most suitable for the construction of
the cemetery by the rules delia law." In this regard indicates the
municipal fund of Cerreto. The lntelidente entrusts Francesco Palmieri
verification of the above by the widow of Stanislaus Hope. The lngegnere
goes on the place with the Mayor, Settlers, and The Deputy Medical local
health, does dig a deep pit three feet at the highest point of the flat
Ramunno and, despite the great drought, was in July, I'argilla presentva
sweating water Palmieri justify Ie Angelantonia reasons given by the Pope
and, concludento, that it is not suitable the bottom of Cerreto because
of spring do is implement the project of 1818 of the Hague Forks, superiomente
alia road, because land sciuttissima and right distance from the country.
And that's what the mayor did not want to do Mendozzi because it would
have cost to the community of Ducati Gildone 1288.42, sornma of which
could not possibly be ca rico. On 13 September 1938, the mayor Giuseppe
Mendozzi communicates the Intendant who manages to raise the funds necessary
to cover the construction of the Cemetery. It proposes to use the local
burial delia ruined church exists between Ie ruins of the suppressed monastery
of PP AA after necessary restoration. Was commissioned delia expertise
Mo muratare Francesco del Balzo Michele was the place was very large,
measuring 40 to 40 palms, needed gate stones and Itro material fell with
the earthquake, rifazione reed fence missing 10 to the height of palms
11 required by law, all with a total expenditure of 62 ducats This project,
however, was set aside as temporary burial because too distant dall''abitato
(1 mile and one quarter).
After several studies, pressed by the health authorities of the district
and dall'lntendente, the municipality was forced to seriously consider
the project of 1818 on the site of the forks Hague, a fund Michele Perrotti,
above the country road, near a limit of holding municipal Cerreto .ln
date 08/11/1839, mayor Joseph Mendozzi, resolves this choice using for
an initial funding of the work, on consent of the clergy, the sum that
the municipality annually destined to the preacher for Lent amounting
I 'year in 1840 to 24 ducats and one that could be drawn from the sale
of 100 barrels of burning of the town forest of St. Andrew. Is responsible
for drawing up the report, the mason Francesco del Balso. In the first
subasta I'appalto is awarded to the mason Antonio Vecchiullo for pugs
24.5 per barrel produced. L '11/7/1840, not yet elapsed since the deadline
for the closure of the race, the mason Nicolangelo Hope writes to the
Mayor by offering a discount of grain 24. It is therefore organized a
second subasta able to tithe, which is awarded to the above which conforms
to all the terms and conditions signed by Vecchiullo and indicates as
guarantor Ferdinand Virgilio builder and owner. At the request of the
archpriest don Domenicantonio del Vasto, through approval dell'lntendenza,
Mayor Don Nicodemus of Vasto convene the Decurionate and decides the purchase
of two other measures of land in order to build, outside the walls of
another shelter to bury the remains of those who die without baptism,
or alien religion or those who died unworthy for being "advised against"
The status of the work done by the experts 02/20/1842 The check masons
Severino Riccelli and Michele Ricciardi with I 'assistance of Members
at Sabino OOPP Mandate and Domenico Luciano, did not go beyond the construction
of a wall length of 458 palms, palms wide and three deep palms 4.5, corresponding
pipe 44. the whole amounting to a total of 100. the ducats May 12, 1844
the mayor Giuseppe D'Elia forward the proposal to open a temporary burial
in the country church of St. Martin, and, at the same consensus, we discuss
a letter from the priest Don Pasquale Hope all'lntendente Count Gaetani.
The Speranza claims, for the priests of his family, a law dating back
to master an instrument of 1709 signed between Cardinal Orsini and the
priest Don Martin Hope. Therefore calls for the respect of the Concordat
suggesting, I'impossibilita view to finding a solution, you consent to
the construction of a pit in the yard of the rural chapel of St. Mary
of Constantinople San Nicola today to use as temporary burial pending
the construction of the cemetery definitive Hague on the forks. To give
course to how willing, masons Francesco del Balso was Michele and Crescenzo
Lillo, at the request of Mayor Giuseppe D'Elia, conducted a survey on
the work to be done in the enclosure delia chapel. The pit should have
Ie following measures. 15 palms width, length and height of 19 palms palms
13. For this work, the cost would have amounted to 66 Ducati and grains
80. The Administration, lacking as usual means churches all'lntendente
I'accensione a mutual need for the above operates. The money, cash advanced
by provincial, would be deposited in the hands of the Archpriest and I'estinzione
mortgage would occur with the sale of the forest legnarne Quadrano. He
spent more than a year, but formal authorization act shall it was still
Behind the parish priest Giuseppe Farinaccio threatens to bury the corpses
in the open country, Mr. Gigli approved the draft of the work, but refer
such matter to the competent decision-making bodies. The slowness and
the blindness of bureaucracy leads to March 1845 without authority Ie
upper disimpegnassero at variance with the law prohibiting Ie burials
in churches. lntanto raged I'epidemia smallpox Arab, whose ferocity was
leading to death most guys a day and che.dovevano be buried in a place
not sacred. The Mayor Giuseppe D'Elia, so that you proceed with a fast
assignment of the contract, was allowed to proceed to the races of contract
giving the course to a single administrative enchantment. The contract
was awarded to 50 ducats to the masons Crescenzo Lillo, Alfonso and Antonio
Virgilio Vecchiullo, guarantor Mason Ferdinand Virgil. The work was to
esere followed in time by two months. During the proceedings, after the
excavation had to proceed with the construction of underground aqueducts
to download towards the river St. Nicholas your water that stood under
the church. This caused an increase in spending of Ducati 38 and a series
of unexpected obstacles. Thus was born, in the courts of peace of Jelsi
a dispute between the Mayor and the bricklayers for which, due delia suspension
of work, wondering arrests personal. The grave was prepared in March and
April 1846. Already, however, on November 4 delia same year, the parish
priest Don Domenicantonio del Vasto demanded the reopening of the burials
inside delia mother church in consequence of repletion and regurgitante
full of corpses in the church Santa Maria of Constantinople the cemetery
of the town, threatening once again to expose the corpses in the countryside
to severe damage of public health because of pesfifère fumes that
led to the building of the cemetery in the current site of the hill San
Martino was the epidemic cholera year 1854. the victims of that disease,
they could not be buried in any of the traditional burials still functioning.
It was then occupied a land adjacent to the rural chapel of St. Martin,
for a part belonging to the chaplain Father Sabino Hope and the rest to
various owners with this neighboring land. In this land there were buried
80 cholera patients. To that interment was occupied more land than in
reality it was necessary for the reason that in the bustle of the scourge
is cared rather alia running easy and ready to work to save the occupied
area. For a long time the bodies were left exposed in the open country,
near a public road without even a fence or embankment that did the site
a place reserved for the ash from the ravages of the animals. The caretaker
of the chapel and Hermit Vincenzo Rossi in April of 1855 on the situation
forwards a statement in which he denounced the indecency, urging the lntendente
to intervene with Mayor affinche "provvedesse to enclose at least
that part of the ground that I was interested in cholera patients, subject
to every injury of animals attracted by the stench of human waste, reawaken
the fragello ". The Decurionate in forums ranging dal1856 al1858
exposes all'lntendente different considerations concerning the place where
the formation Cemetery.
Therefore calls all'lntendente this authorization to change the site
because of the Hague fork stops responding aile needs of the community
for economic difficulties, health and access. Considering also the moral
question of Santa Maria of Constantinople where they were buried in a
single grave corpses of males and females. The consideranto chapel, caretaker's
house and a good way of running, spending according to the survey carried
out by Master Mason Ferdinand Virgilio dall'agrimensore Giuseppe Massimo
with the cooperation of Members at OOPP Domenico Germano and Francesco
del Balso would be in the order of 395 ducats to which were added 30 ducats
of the cost of land. The authorization was not long to wait, and further
work was authorized in Administration, I'appalto was assigned to Ferdinand
Virgil to be executed according to the project of the engineer. Mennella
and to be completed in a maximum of two years. Mayor Domenico Campensa
the cemetery of St. Martin was blessed The 04/29/1861.